Founder's Message

In building She’s You, I realized that all women share similar struggles at one point or another in their lives. We waste a lot of time comparing ourselves to others, believing their lives are so much better, happier, more fulfilling than ours. But the truth is, we only assume other women are happier and lead more successful lives because of their looks, their body or even that Chanel® bag they’re sporting.
It’s time to stop making those comparisons, grow our confidence and look inside to see what’s uniquely strong and beautiful about each one of us.
She’s You is based on the understanding that women, united, standing together, can empower one another. Our mirror image messages create awareness that we are all individuals, each with our own wants and dreams. We all strive to be unique, beautiful, wonderful, and wonderfully imperfect, achievers.
As the founder of She’s You International, this journey has led me to believe that too often we allow others to limit our dreams. We let fear control us. We let life’s challenges dim our confidence. No more. This platform is a judgment-free zone because we all matter equally. My hope in building the She’s You brand is to inspire women of all ages, ethnicities and desires to believe in themselves and empower one another.
The She’s You mirror image is a reflection of the fact that all women are equal, powerful and uniquely beautiful.
She’s You is a mirror image that as women we are all equal!
Nathalie Bedard (Founder)